If you are reading this content right now then chances are that you have heard about IPC (Intelligence Prime Capital) and you are looking for more information about it.
Or you are just curious about the Bot or the kind of money people are making with the program. Well, in either case, look no further because right on this page, I am going to provide you with every detail you need to either get started with IPC or clear your doubt about Intelligence Prime Capital.
Please note that this is my personal review, call it an Insider’s review of IPC.
I had done my due diligence before I joined the program, created videos about it, and also put up this content. In summary, I have researched it before I could put my name on it. So, I advise you to do the same.
Please make sure you read every word in this post and above it, all make sure you read my take about the program at the end of this post.
So, let’s start.
Introducing Intelligence Prime Capital

Intelligence Prime Capital is a Fintech Company registered in Canada and regulated by FINTRAC with registration number MSB registration number: M21080237.
The company provides an opportunity for everyone to earn from daily trades in the Forex Market without special skills by trading for you even while you sleep and wake up to see dollars on your MT4. IPC uses Artificial intelligence (AI) that has been tested over a period of 5 years to trade the Forex Market for its members and this robot generates up to 45% ROI monthly depending on the AI you subscribed to.

With the Artificial Intelligence IP capital, you are sure of averaging 8 to 12% return on investment (ROI) weekly. Monday to Fridays (depends on your subscription though).

Intelligence prime capital is a one-stop option for you to maximize your earnings without losing sleep at all. IPC’s AI analyzes trading system, the AIA BOT System works by aggregating market information, transaction volume, and other relevant data to accurately predict market trends.
What do you gain from using IPC (Broker)
IPC has a reliable bot that makes profits for you.
- You avoid losing your hard earned money trading by yourselves
- It saves you the stress of always checking your trade
- You can set feasible financial goals for the year.
- They are transparent, have customer support that includes live chat support.
- You can make withdrawals without hassles.
How Do I Start Trading Forex on Intelligence Prime Capital and begin to make money while I sleep?

Step 1 -Register / Sign Up / Join the Program
The 1st step is to complete your registration process, and it doesn’t take more than 2mins to complete the step. Watch the video above if you have not, the video would show you how then click the button below or click here now to sign up.
After you have signed up, you would receive an email with your MT4 details. Please keep a record of it.
Step 2 – Submit Your KYC Document
Remember that this is a business, so you will need to verify that your information is correct, and the way to do this is by submitting your KYC document, mostly your Driver’s License, International Passport, or any other government issued ID. Watch the video above to know how to do that, that also won’t take you more than a minute to complete
Step 3 -Fund your MT4 account.
If you don’t have an mt4 app on your phone then you can download the app from Google Play Store. I use my laptop for the setup, and that’s shown in the video above.
Now, this step is divided into 3 sub-steps
First, you need either Bitcoin or USDT to fund your account and you can get this from your Exchange Platform like Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, etc (please watch the video above to know how if you are new to this).
Click the button below to sign up for Coinbase if you don’t already have an account.
Please note that I get paid $10 worth of Bitcoin if you used the link above and you also get $10 worth Bitcoin.
Or click the button below to join Kraken if that’s what you would use.
In fact, there are different ways to get Bitcoin or USDT.
You can even pay a trusted person or third party to help you send the Bitcoin or USDT to your account. I don’t think it matters who sends it to the account, for as long as it’s funded.
Second, once the BTC or USDT has arrived in your account, then you would need to Subscribe to the Bot. There are 3 different types of subscriptions. I subscribed to the Genius Bot as shown below
Lastly, once your subscription is completed, then relax and begin to make money with IPC passively.
In our WhatsApp group or later on this page, I will post a video that would show you how you can monitor your trades on your phone or computer, but please note that you don’t have to do anything other than just make the money…
Click the button below to join our private WhatsApp Group to learn more and to get your questions answered… (please note that the group is strictly for serious people and not Scammers or Spammers)
If you have any difficulty completing the signup process, you can contact me directly on WhatsApp and either myself or any of my team members would help you out.
My Final Take On Intelligence Prime Capital.
There’s no doubt that the program works like magic. If you search online for IPC reviews, you would see a lot of content, some say it’s a scam, this, and that.
Well, I have not been scammed by IPC and I’ve not seen anyone that told me that he or she did not get his/her money. I remember when Bitcoin first came, many people said it was a scam, including myself. I knew when Bitcoin was $350 and so on. I didn’t buy my first Bitcoin until it got to $1,200
So, what I am saying in essence is that everything is a scam depending on the side you are.
Your job or 9 to 5 is a scam.
How come you work 8 hours and your Boss is just sitting somewhere, golfing, and at the end of the week or month, you get the stipend.
The government is a scam. If not, how come we are where we are right now.
Now, having said that, please note that you shouldn’t invest, or trade with money you can’t afford to lose.
In my more than 15yrs online and most especially in Forex, I’ve seen a lot of programs come and go. People make money and many people got burnt.
So, what I would do is immediately I’ve doubled my capital, in other words, when I’ve made my initial capital, I would withdraw it out then trade with the profits.
With that, I’m trading with free money.
That’s how to do it.
In Stocks, Cryptos and even a Program like this.
And lastly, please note that Artificial Intelligence will not replace the trading skill that you need to thrive in this new economy.
Someone says “give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish then you feed him for life.”

What happens if you are making money with IPC now, and you don’t know how to trade yourself, then something happens and the program stops or whatever… I mean things happen… right?
Then, what happens?
You go back to level zero.

If you are looking to become one of our Forex Disciples then click the button below to get started.

I wish you the best of luck and I look forward to helping you should you have any questions or difficulties setting this up.