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$10,000 mentioned in this post could mean different amount to different people. To some, it could be just extra $500 a month, and to some it could be $5,000 per month. But in this case, I would focus on $10,000 per month.
In order to make $10,000 per month, that would mean $2,500 per week and that would mean $500 per day.
So, to make $500 per day if you are trading a Standard account size then all you would need in a trade or in a day would be just 50 Pips for most Currency Pairs.
Do you really belief it’s possible to start making minimum of $10,000 per month trading the Forex market?

Your beliefs create your reality. If you belief it’s possible then it’s possible and if you don’t belief it’s possible then it won’t be possible.
Personally, I have had days of $1,000, $5,000, even $10,000 …. so it’s possible.
Step 1: Decide the currency pair to trade
There are tens of currency pairs to pick from, and to pick a particular currency pair to trade could be daunting especially if you are new to trading Forex.
A tool that makes this easy as ABC is Currency Strength Meter.
In order to trade Forex, you need to trade a weak currency against the strong one. In the video above, I demonstrated this with live charts.
Step 2. Identify the Trend of the Pair
Forex trading is easy when you make trend your friend. The new Tradermatic template makes this so easy and fun. Please watch the video above to see how this is done. I’m trying to make this post very short
Step 3. Enter and Exit Your Trade at the Right Time.
I call this the perfect entry strategy. Please watch the video above, I showed this live in the video.
I want to belief that this post would change your trading career but you have to take an action in order to make this work for you.
To learn more on how to work with me 1-on-1, please click here now to read details on how to get started.